Donating to the causes you care about not only benefits the charities themselves, it can be deeply rewarding for you too. Millions of people give to charities on a regular basis to support causes they believe in, as well as for the positive effect it has on their own lives.

DF Premier Homes has partnered up with the local charities and organizations in and around the surrounding Columbus market in order to give back!
“I believe it is very important to give back to our local community.” said CFO and COO Nicole Faeth. “I currently donate old clothes, shoes, household items, etc. on my end. When I joined DF Premier Homes I wanted to make this one of my top priorities and focuses. With many of our projects, several homes are left go and vacant, which means several valuable items are left behind. I figured why not give back to the community the old microwaves, animal goods, building materials, etc. verses throwing those items out in the trash. There are several charities nearby who can use those products, plus it’s rewarding to know they will be put to good use! It’s a win win for everyone: reusing materials, giving back to the community, and not letting good products go to waste. I encourage everyone to give back!”

Charities DF Premier Homes has partnered with are:
Habitat for Humanity in Delaware and Union County (their website:
Goodwill (their website: )
Salvation Army (their website:
Homeless to Home: Animal Rescue & Cat Sanctuary (their website:

If you are interested in DF Premier Homes donating to your local organization or group, please contact